Week 8 Reading and Writing

Looking Back: 

  • Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with how the semester is going so far! I'm really enjoying the reading assignments and, while I'm not always in the mood to write up a new story every week, there are enough extra credit/story lab alternatives that I can make up for it when I'm not feeling it.
  • I've cleaned up my blog theme a little bit and I'm please with how my website looks -- I like the old storybook theme.
  • My favorite writing piece I've done so far is my Three Little Pigs (In Verse). It was certainly the most fun to write and I think it gels nicely with the feel of my portfolio site.
  • I've most enjoyed the frame tales so far. The fact that they can fit such a variety of plots and characters and themes into such a short amount of time makes them varied and exciting. The setting never stagnates.
  • Speaking of frame tales, here's an illustration from Twenty Two Goblins, my favorite myth collection of the semester so far (Robin Hood and Brer Rabbit are close behind). Source: Wikipedia.

    Looking Forward: 
    • I'd like to put together another story or two for my portfolio, but I'm not 100% sure what direction I want to head in. I'll continue to do extra readings every week to get as much mythology reading as I can out of the course, and I'll keep an eye out for myths and writing styles that inspire me to craft something of my own!


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