Robin Hood: After reading through the
Robin Hood unit, I wanted to know a little bit more about the protagonist. Since the ballads pick up after Robin is the Robin we think of -- armed with a bow and running around Sherwood Forest -- I was curious to learn more about his past. Interestingly, many legends hold that Robin was born of noble birth (which may explain his legendary skill with the bow and the sword) and that he was a veteran of the...
Crusades: I've always been interested in the Crusades -- actually, I'm taking a course over them this semester -- and I was fascinated to hear that Robin Hood could have been a war veteran. That could also serve as an explanation for his finely honed martial abilities. The legends here paint him in a much more sympathetic light: After returning from the good and righteous conquest of holy war, the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham has taken Robin's lands from him, thus beginning their rivalry. Who knows if this is the case, but I thought that it added an interesting dimension to Robin's mystique. Heavily involved in the Crusades were...
The Knights Templar: This is a group that I've heard about many times, but I never really knew what they did. They appear to have been something of the Christian Ultra-Faction, being the wealthiest and most powerful order within Christendom. Because they could be classified as a "charity," supporters of the Catholic church frequently donated to the cause, resulting in exponential growth in both clout and membership. Though most of the order was involved in finance and the world's first banks and corporations, they also fielded what amounts to the Catholic Navy SEALS -- the iconic group of elite swordsman bearing the red cross on a white background. This group would go on to inspire...
The battle flag of the Knights Templar. Source: Wikipedia. |
Freemasonry: From one elite organization to anther, the Freemason organization borrows many of the symbols and rituals of the Templars. For example, the
Red Cross of Constantine -- a symbol of rank within the organization -- is based on Templar iconography. Famous Freemasons include George Washington, who was the Master of his own Masonic Lodge.
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