Introduction Q&A

Who are you anyways?
My name is Spencer! I'm a sophomore studying history and minoring in Spanish.

Cool. What do you want to do with that?
Studying history means one of two things: 1. You either teach or 2. Go to some kind of graduate school. I'm hoping to go to law school after undergrad, so I suppose I fall into the latter of the two categories. In a perfect world, I'd end up practicing sports or entertainment law -- it's still pretty stable and secure, but you get to be involved with really neat industries and people.

What do you when you aren't doing school stuff?
Band! I've been doing music/theatre stuff since middle school and it's my favorite thing to do. I'm a section leader in the Pride of Oklahoma and I play the mellophone (what French horn players play when they march -- picture a big trumpet). We just got back from the Orange Bowl and we had a fabulous trip, even despite the tough outcome.

Here I am playing the mellophone against Iowa State my freshman year. Personal photo from fall 2017.

Where are you from?
Kansas City, but on the Missouri side since the city is inexplicably split between two states. If you want, you can check out my blog post about home right here. I love KCMO.

Go-to TV show, book series, musical artist. Go.
1. Probably Breaking Bad, but I'm really looking forward to the last season of Game of Thrones in April.
2. The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. I'm a big fantasy guy and this is the best fantasy I've read, bar none. I think it's criminally under-exposed to the public eye.
3. Passenger. You've probably heard "Let Her Go," but he's got way more stuff out there. Here's one of my favorites from a 2014 album.

"Whispers" music video from YouTube.

Got any pets?
You bet I do. I'm a cat person, but I do have a beagle/basset hound mix named Sadie, as well as Charlie, who is an orange tabby and my boy.

Are they cute?
You tell me.
Charlie, avid Christmas tree enthusiast. Personal photo from December 2016.


  1. Oh, that picture of Charlie is beautiful, Spencer! I mentioned the Twine stuff in the extra credit tech tips, and there are also Padlet options there too; you could add Charlie and Sadie to the Padlet of Pets; here's the link: Padlet of Pets (plus a link for all the tech tips... extra credit: one of the ways you can zoom on ahead with the class too).

    And how cool that you are in the Pride! That last game was hard, but you got to see a lot of great wins too. Do you know Erin Bullock? I forget what instrument she plays, but she is in the Pride and shared some great pictures in her blog last semester. This is her fabulous dragon Storybook: Discovering Dragons

    Game of Thrones: that show has been a great boost for storytelling ideas in this class. There are LOTS of ways to write fan fiction combining characters from Game of Thrones with plots inspired by traditional myths and legends. You can never have too many dragons. :-)

    1. I do know Erin! She's a drummer, I believe. I really like the point-and-click photo feature in her storybook, that's a very cool touch for doing some "illustrations."

      I'd love to use Twine for my project (I used it for a Spanish class last year) and I'm excited to check out the tech tips. Thanks!

  2. That cool interactive graphic was something I learned about from Erin's project! I embedded them in the class announcements too so that everybody in class would get a chance to see how that worked. It's funny how people learn about technology in that kind of "word of mouth" way, digitally speaking. Anyway, you'll see how that works: I don't have time to comment on the blog posts once school gets going, but I watch everything go by in the blog stream and I grab something to share every day in the announcements like that so that everybody is learning from everybody. :-)

    SO COOL that you used Twine in a class before. Go Twine!!!

  3. Nice to meet you, Spencer! I've never been to Kansas City but I've heard good things and I enjoyed your blog post. I am also a huge Breaking Bad fan - I got ridiculously invested in that show. If you're looking for another really good fantasy book, check out Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. It's set in a fantasy version of England in the early 1800s and the author included a bunch of footnotes explaining the made-up history of magic in England.

  4. Hi Spencer,
    Your cat is so cute. I am usually more of a dog person, but you got the lighting to do wonders on your tabby! I bet the Pride is very fun. I have a couple of friends in the Pride who say how time-consuming it is but everything is worth it. You guys are amazing; I love watching the shows. Being section leader must mean you are super good! How long have you been playing mellophone? Do you actually play the French horn though? I hope in the future you get into law school. It seems very fitting for you.
    Looking forward to reading more of your stories in this class!

  5. Hi, Spencer!

    I love the picture of your cat Charlie. My cats are always trying to climb the Christmas tree when we have it set up, so I guess you could say they're Christmas tree enthusiasts, as well?

    It's so cool that you're in the Pride! I honestly love the Pride, and that's not only because sometimes members will give me the chips or cookies they don't want from their box lunches during a football game lol.

    I'm also super excited for the last season of Game of Thrones! I binge-watched the whole series with my boyfriend last semester, and now it seems like the wait is forever until I can watch more. Hopefully it lives up to the other seven seasons!

  6. Hey Spencer,

    I loved reading through your introduction. I think it is awesome that you are studying history and Spanish. That is an interesting combination that I have not heard before. I think it is great that you plan on attending law school. Best of luck this semester and I look forward to reading more.


  7. Spencer,

    Yoooo glad to see another Pride person on here! I was a squad leader in the trumpet section back my days (before you were even at OU!), but as life got busier, I haven't been able to participate these past few years. Your career path sound SO cool; it is definitely a field that will need more lawyers, and it sounds like you'd live a really interesting life! Also, yes, your cat is very cute. How I usually describe a mellophone is, imagine if you taped a pizza box to the bell of a trumpet. I don't know how you guys see anything behind that bell. And BIGGER YES to Game of Thrones. Can't wait to see all the GOT themed stories people will be coming up with this semester.

  8. They their Spencer!
    You had a really great story book, It was very insightful. Your stories were very interesting in the way that it was written in verse. I for one can say that I have not seen another story written like that. It was very interesting how you added music to your story as well it kind of startled me but it was very funny. I can tell that you have spent a lot of time on this story and it really turned out great. Maybe one story I will get to write that will be as great as this, but I will probably never have the drive for that, Your story book website was very well laid out and very organized. I look forward to reading your future blog posts and stories on this page. Good luck with the rest or your semester and keep plugging with this great story writing.

  9. Spencer, it was really great getting to know you some through your introduction post. I think it is so cool that we are able to interact even though we are in two separate classes (I'm in Indian Epics). I think it is cool that having an online class like this allows us to do that. Again, it was great getting to know you some and the best of luck to you on your future endeavors.


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